Lot 1095 (2023春季拍賣會)

朱銘 (台灣,1938-2023)
JU Ming
朱銘 - 水牛與牧童
JU Ming - Buffalo & Cowboys
預估價 :
NTD 1,500,000 - 2,800,000
HKD 385,600 - 719,800
USD 49,050 - 91,560
HKD 385,600 - 719,800
USD 49,050 - 91,560
木雕(牛樟) 1979 僅此一件 簽名右後:朱銘 '79 來源: 附財團法人朱銘文教基金會作品鑑定報告書 Woodcarving (Stout camphor tree) 1979 one work only Signed lower right on the reverse: named JU Ming in Chinese, dated 1979 Provenance: Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity issued by JU MING Culture & Education Foundation 50.8 × 27.1 × 23.7 cm (20 x 10.7 x 9.3 in.)