HK 128,900 - 168,100
US 16,490 - 21,510
壓克力 畫布 2020 簽名右下:RNL2020 180×180 cm (70.8×70.8 in..) Acrylic on canvas 2020 Signed lower right: RNL2020 With a certificate signed by the artist
根據拍品Lot1011 《Zorro》,描述的蘇洛(Zorro)是強斯頓‧麥庫力(Johnston McCulley)於1919年發表的冒險小說《蒙面俠蘇洛》裡的超級英雄,以蒙面來隱藏真實身份。Zorro本人說:「身份對做好事並不重要。 即使在面具下也可以表現良好。」這也是Ronald最喜歡的一句話。畫中人物以蒙上眼罩的造型,騎在馬匹上手握刀劍,上方列出當時電影的主要演員,包括安東尼奧‧班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)、安東尼‧霍普金斯(Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins)、凱薩琳‧麗塔–瓊絲(Catherine Zeta-Jones),就像如同手繪版的電影海報。
According to Lot 1011《Zorro》, Zorro is described as a superhero using a mask to hide his true identity in the adventure novel 《The Masked Man Sullo》published by Johnston McCulley in 1919. Zorro once said: " Identity is not important to do good deeds. Performing good can be done even under the mask." This is also Ronald's favorite quote from the book. The figure in the painting is blindfolded, riding on a horse and holding a sword. The main actors of the movie at the time are listed above like a hand-painted movie poster, including Antonio Banderas, Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins, and Catherine Zeta-Jones.