2074 (2016春季拍賣會)
常玉 菊花
預估價 :
NTD 10,000,000 - 13,000,000
RMB 2,028,400 - 2,636,900
HKD 2,415,500 - 3,140,100
USD 309,600 - 402,480
成交價 :
NTD - 11,400,000
RMB - 2,336,100
HKD - 2,753,600
USD - 352,720
油彩 木板

簽名右下:玉 SANYU
80×45 cm (31.2×17.6 in.)
Oil on wood
Signed lower right: SANYU




《Other Modernity Exoticism of Orientals 》
Dimension Art Center, 2002, P.16
JSL Spring Auction 2012, Lot058


1921年在北大校長蔡元培提倡「勤工儉 學」的計劃下,隨著這股熱潮前往巴黎學習藝術。1920年代留歐 時期,常玉受邀參與蝕刻版畫製作;過程中線與面組合的純粹美 感、蝕版的陰陽虛實經驗,帶給常玉在油畫創作中極大的靈感, 在這幅三○年代的Lot2074《菊花》一作中,我們也能看見藝術 家從領悟中創新的蛻變軌跡。
三○年代常玉有許多花卉靜物創作出現,早年作品多以粉色及 白色入畫,偶有黑色加入畫中。《菊花》是常玉1930年代所畫的 作品,藉由描繪象徵遠方故鄉的菊花,一解異鄉遊子內心世界的 思鄉之情。畫作中利用黑與黃的色彩搭配呈現菊花,是他當時少 見的創作風格。常玉的花卉作品構圖多簡約素雅,Lot2074《菊 花》一作更是將簡約以技法巧思提升至更高境界:利用刮除顏料 表現線條的手法,以虛為實、以減為增,真正體現常玉的簡約美 學。其中富於書法性的筆意趣味、古拙質樸的造型,傳達出東方 文人畫的氣韻,佐以刻刮之技法,直有金石畫印之意趣。
常玉的畫受到馬諦斯等野獸派藝術家之影響,其直式構圖及畫 面構成可以在馬諦斯作品《科利尤爾的法式窗子》當中窺見淵 源。馬諦斯在畫作中嘗試以顏色構築空間,常玉此件作品《菊 花》當中大塊面構圖就如同得自於馬諦斯色彩與空間的領悟,並 超脫對於馬諦斯的精神性崇拜,畫面中矗立的黃色長方有如光明 自門隙中灑下,引領觀者往畫面中注視、帶有光明昇華的期待, 在盛開花朵的後方有廣大而明亮的浩瀚,等待觀者探索。在往後 的數十年間,與其相似的「色塊」、「景深」元素構圖組合,在 1960年林風眠所作《仙人球》、1986年趙無極《向亨利馬諦斯 致敬I–02.02.86》不斷被勇於嘗試開創的藝術大家所採用、反覆 探討,更突顯了常玉藝術創作的高度前瞻。
常玉的畫作以簡約率性的線條,率真深刻地直探東方文化根 柢。帶有中國水墨底蘊的常玉,在《菊花》一作中採取傳統如掛 軸的縱行構圖、傳統文人畫的單一視覺焦點、還有白描花卉的工 筆筆觸,利用油彩媒材轉化再現。他筆下花卉空靈質樸的繪畫 語彙,融貫中國文人清雅恬淡之品味,橋接起中西藝術文化的津 樑,開拓更為寬廣自由的創作之路。
2015年,常玉的作品以銳不可當之勢,在兩岸三地藝術市場創 下高價,且創紀錄之畫作皆以花卉為主題。景薰樓2016春季拍賣 會帶來常玉的花卉作品《菊花》,以盛放之姿迎向藏家的目光。
SAN Yu, known as “Chinese Matisse.” In 1921, he traveled to France under a government-sponsored workstudy program. In Paris, he absorbed every king of painting styles and discovered what he really longed for and finally cultivated his own art style. During his days studying abroad. SAN Yu was once invited to participate in a lithography project. SAN Yu gained inspiration from the combination of lines and shapes, reminding him of In-Yang in traditional Chinese culture. In Lot2074《Chrysanthemums》 made in 1930s, viewers can witness the metamorphosis of the artist.
In 1930s, flowers are repeatedly adopted as theme in SAN Yu's artworks. The color-choice took up mostly light-toned color and occasionally black as well. Chrysanthemum is one topic that SAN Yu took up with high frequency, for this kind of flower symbolize his homesick, in want of returning to his hometown. Among all the chrysanthemums, Lot2074 《Chrysanthemums》and its combination of black and yellow makes this artwork stands different from others. With the technique in this painting, SAN Yu brought this 《Chrysanthemums》into a total different level: He scratched the yellow paint to leave the black color underneath in exposure. By doing so, this artwork is done with rather sheer simplicity. The lining carved Chinese calligraphy style shows the sense of traditional Chinese art. 
SAN Yu's art was influenced by Henri Matisse's Fauvism. If we compare the 《Chrysanthemums》and Matisse'《French Window at Collioure》, we may find the connection between the two in their shared vertical composition. Matisse tried to construct three-dimensional space with pure color. SAN Yu's 《Chrysanthemums》and its coloring is like the resurrection of Matisse, reflecting the enlightenment SAN Yu gained from the great Fauvism master. The black and yellow rectangles composing an image of an open door, with light beam shining in, as if there is a mysterious land of light behind the blooming flowers. Regarding《Prickly Pears》by LIN Feng Mian 1960 and《Hommage à Matisse-02.02.86》by ZAO Wu Ki 1986, we may find similar elements of color pastiche for forming the depth of field repeatedly adopted by artists in the following years. This shows how avant-garde SAN Yu stood tall in the contemporary art history. 
SAN Yu used simplified lining to make profound discussion, pondering upon the essence of Chinese culture. The fine composition makes the delicate flowers in vase like a traditional Chinese scroll painting. The brilliant fusion of Chinese cultural essence and western material demonstrates the great possibilities in SAN Yu's art.