2017秋拍精選【張大千 與張目寒書】

 ZHANG Da Qian張大千(18991983

原名張正權,又名爰,字季爰,號大千,別號大千居士,四川內江人。他從小隨母親學畫,1917 年與兄長同赴日本京都,學習繪畫及織染工藝.1919 年返上海,拜曾農髯、李梅庵為師,學習詩文書畫,受石濤跟八大山人的影響很深。1927 年始遍游名山大川,包括黃山,峨眉山,敦煌。1929 任第一屆全國美展幹事,1933 年任南京國立中央大學藝術系教授一年。1941 年至 1943 年間赴敦煌,臨摹敦煌壁畫,他描摹壁畫時,發現部分壁畫有內外兩層後便揭去外層以觀賞內層,被揭露後又抵賴辯解,且自稱對敦煌壁畫的文物保存也有相當多的貢獻。1943年他出版的《大風堂臨摹敦煌壁畫》讓藝術界開始重視中國文物的保存和精華。

Formerly known as Zhang Zhengquan, also known as Yuan, the word quarter Yuan, No. Daqian, alias big thousand lay, Sichuan Neijiang people. He grew up with his mother to learn painting, in 1917 with his brother went to Kyoto, Japan, learning painting and dyeing process. 1919 back to Shanghai, thanks to Zengnong beard, Li Meiyan as a teacher, learning poetry and calligraphy and painting, by the stone Tao and eight mountain people deep impact. 1927 years before the tour mountains and rivers, including Huangshan, Mount Emei, Dunhuang. 1929 was the first National Art Exhibition Officer, 1933 Nanjing National Central University professor of art for one year. 1941 to 1943 to Dunhuang, copy Dunhuang murals, he painted murals, found that some of the murals have two layers after the outer layer to expose the outer layer to watch the inner layer, was exposed and refused to argue, and claimed to Dunhuang murals preserved cultural relics Considerable contribution. In 1943 he published the "windy village copy Dunhuang murals" so that the art community began to attach importance to the preservation of Chinese cultural relics and essence.