


  景薰樓  2015 秋季拍賣會已開始徵集,包含亞洲華人現當代藝術,前輩、中生代藝術家,並跨足海外華人油畫及雕塑、中國古董珍玩 ( 宋元明清瓷器、古玉、銅爐、文房雜項等  ) 與中國書畫,作品匯整且豐富多元。


  台北徵集專線 TEL+886 2 8771 7989

  台中徵集專線 TEL+886 4 2295 5528


  E-mail: service@jslauction.com

( 圖說: 劉國松《潘波崎:西藏組曲之六十五》 成交價:   NTD 1080萬 )



2015 Autumn Sale

JSL Auction Co. manages multi-consignor and single owner auctions. Our sales regularly include Asian modern and contemporary art, Chinese antiques, paintings and calligraphy. We are currently accepting consignments for our upcoming autumn auction.

JSL Auction has more than 20 years of exclusive service and dedication to the Asian Art Market. JSL Auctions has established itself as Taiwanese precedent artists and Asian modern artists auction house. We have successfully sold Zao Wu-Ki, Chu Teh Chun, Wu Guan-Zhong, Walasse Ting, Chiu Ya-Tsai, Chuang Che, Shiy De-Jinn, Tang Hai-Wen, Ju Ming, Yeh Tze-Chi, Chen Ting Chi, Liu Kuo-Sung, Yayoi Kusama, Sa Dji and Alfred Bastien. We produce the highest quality full color catalogs and previews.

If you are interested in selling your property in JSL Auctions multi-consignor sales, please email to service@jslauctions.com. A comprehensive marketing plan touring the highlights both in Taichung and Taipei will be organized in advance of the auction. We look forward to working with you and getting a fair and good price for your merchandise.

Auction Consignment Deadlines 2015 Autumn:                                                                                        

Asian Modern & Contemporary Art
Chinese Antiques, Paintings and Calligraphy

JSL Auction Co.
www.jslauction.com    service@jslauction.com

TEL: +886 4 2295 5528  
FAX: +886 4 2295 5529
Add:  B1, No.262, Sec.2, Huamei St., Taichung City 404, Taiwan

TEL: +886 2 8771 7989  
FAX: +886 2 8771 7698
ADD:  No.102, Sec.1, Dunhua S. Rd., Taipei City 105, Taiwan