2023春季拍賣會推薦──KAWS「Good Intentions」木雕秀溫馨全球瘋搶

    布萊恩.唐納利(Brian Donnelly)別名KAWS1974年出生於美國新澤西州,童年時期沉浸於街頭文化,畢業於知名的紐約視覺藝術學院。他畢業後在迪士尼擔任動畫設計師,夜間便以塗鴉藝術家的身分──「Kaws」,在路邊廣告看板、公車站牌、以及各大公共場合的牆壁等進行XX圖案塗鴉的加工,逐漸獲得關注,直至1997年受到了 ID 雜誌編輯賞識,讓他登上了其雜誌的封面,Kaws因此一炮而紅,展開其藝術生涯的新篇章。

KAWS最具代表性的雕塑角色《同伴》(Companion),從耳朵、手套、褲子、鞋子的打扮,十分酷似迪士尼動畫中的米老鼠(Micky Mouse),而XX的眼睛成為其象徵符碼。Companion中文有陪伴的意思,此角色衍生出數種版本,例如《芝麻街BFF(Best Friend Forever)、《假期》(HOLIDAY)、《同伴解剖》及《好意》(Good Intentions)等,又經常與品牌聯名合作,產製限量版銅雕、木雕、搪膠玩具及巨型雕塑。KAWS的創作一方面歌頌今日的全球化時代,籠罩在資本主義、大眾消費文化以及資訊快速傳播的生活,同時對此種現況表達擔憂。透過塑造 XX形眼睛的《同伴》,彷彿屏障這個滿佈各種品牌、標籤與同質化消費的世界,藉此提醒我們人性當中的希望與信念。

《好意》(Good Intentions)巨型雕塑於2016年首次公開展示於英國約克郡雕塑公園(Yorkshire Sculpture Park),在佔地 250 英畝的空曠草地,巨大的《好意》(Good Intentions)拔地而起,一大一小的《同伴》(Companion),小隻《同伴》(Companion)環抱住大隻《同伴》(Companion)右腿,依偎在一旁,小心地探頭張望,而大隻《同伴》(Companion)伸出一手輕拍或者溫柔呵護著身側的小隻《同伴》(Companion),加上整齊排列的深棕色木紋,予人柔和放鬆的感受,滿溢出彼此間的關懷與善意,使這件散發正能量的巨型作品,非常吸引眾人的目光。

時隔5年後,KAWS2021年在日本森藝術中心(KAWS TOKYO FIRST)的展覽中,推出可供收藏的40公分《好意》(Good Intentions),讓藝術愛好者和收藏家們摩拳擦掌、心動不已。Lot1115《好意》(Good Intentions)KAWS與日本知名木製品牌 Karimoku合作,由日本工匠大師純手工打造出40公分的木雕作品,全球僅限量100件,而且每尊都有KAWS親筆簽名和自己的編號,外加藝術家自留版本20(AP),推出後即出現搶購風潮!純手工製作的40公分《好意》(Good Intentions)一作,從木料色彩挑選上便頗為用心,精心挑選較深色的木料凸顯鞋子的部分,表面經過特意拋光打磨,不僅強調細膩的木質肌理,觸感也極為溫潤不扎手,作品含可活動關節,手臂能自由擺動和調整,是件兼具流行文化與工藝之美的傑作。

The giant sculpture “Good Intentions” first time public displayed in Yorkshire Sculpture Park in 2016 . The giant sculpture “Good Intentions” stood up from the ground on the 250 acre grassland . A big and a small “Companion” , small “Companion” was hugging the big “Companion” ‘s right leg , snuggling besides and carefully looking . The big “Companion” was sticking out a hand patting the small “Companion” . It gave a soft and relaxing feeling adding the dark wooden brown texture . It shows the caring and good intention to each other and letting this giant artwork exude positive energy .

After five years KAWS introduced a collectable 40cm tall “Good Intentions” in the 2021 KAWS TOKYO FIRST . It made art enthusiasts and collectors heart beating . Lot1115 “Good Intentions” is a cooperation between KAWS and famous Japanese wood product brand Karimoku . The 40cm tall wood sculpture was hand made by Japanese artisan grandmaster and limited to 100 pieces . Also each piece has KAWS’ autograph signature and its own number .There are also other 20 artist’s own collection version . People were crazy buying for it after its release . The all hand made 40cm “Good Intentions” has a serious choosing on the wood’s color . Darker wood was used to specify the shoes part and the surface was polished for emphasizing the wood texture . The touch of it is gentle . This art work includes movable joints and the arms can adjust and move freely . It is a masterpiece with pop culture and craftmanship .

2016年《好意》(Good Intentions)一作,首次展示於英國約克郡雕塑公園(Yorkshire Sculpture Park)

2016 “Good Intentions” firstly displayed in Yorkshire Sculpture Park